What equipment do you have?

We have a range of strength and cardiovascular equipment that has been carefully selected and collected. Including: LifeFitness treadmills and bikes, range of dumbbells from 2.5kg - 57.5kg, cables, power/squat racks, Smith machine, leg press, Hammer Strength seated chest presses and high lat pull down as well as tricep extension, bicep curl, shoulder press and many more machines.

What are your opening hours?

Our opening hours are as follows:

Monday - Friday: 6am - 9pm

Saturday: 8am - 6pm

Sunday: 10am - 4pm

Who are you open to?

We are open to everyone no matter what their fitness goals are. Whether you are trying to lose weight, build muscle, improve fitness, stay healthy, recover from injury or start a new hobby you are welcome!

Do you have Personal Trainers?

Our team and I are always available to provide training and fitness advice free of charge. If you would like paid personal training, we have Personal Trainers available on request!

Do you have couples memberships?

We do not currently provide couples memberships. Instead, we ensure that our pricing is kept low for everybody.

Do you provide classes?

We currently do not have facilities for classes but hope to in the future.